
Daily Reflection Dec 3,2024 - Luke 10:21-24

In the gospels, we occasionally get a glimpse of Jesus’ prayer life. These moments reveal the intimate relationship between Jesus and God, his Father.

Today’s gospel offers one such glimpse. It is a joyful prayer of praise, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus says, “I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,” filled with joy.

Praise is a selfless form of prayer—it focuses entirely on God, acknowledging who He is and what He does. In this prayer, Jesus praises God for revealing something precious: the intimate relationship of love between the Father and the Son, which brings deep mutual understanding.

This revelation, Jesus says, is given to “children”—those with a childlike openness to God’s message. These are the disciples, whom Jesus calls blessed: “Happy the eyes that see what you see.” They are contrasted with the “learned and clever,” who may lack such openness.

This beatitude extends to all of us if we embrace the same childlike openness to what God reveals through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


It has been a while since I write and i just hope i will be able to return and make some regular post 


Autumn in Iwate 

It`s been a while since I begin to write. I have been out for a while and refrain from using the social media. I guess am tired but writing had been my passion and it keeps me updated and connected to myself. 

Lately, I am beginning to feel the autumn in the area. I went twice this month to Hachimantai just to see the autumn leaves in the area.  Walking through the trail in Hachimantai had help me a lot to deal with my fear, fear of being attacked by a bear, fear of being lost, fear of being alone.  It`s a basic feelings when one in going to an unknown area. I did not allow fear to control me, rather I went out there and enjoy the amazing sight of autumn


Summer and staycation

I have heard the word staycation from the Pope himself and seems to find the word full of meaning for me.  Although I normallly look forward for a good summer vacation, I also hated the fact the that too much heat makes me weak and could not enjoy the summer.

Before August arrived and the scorging summer heat, I got a terrible headache and just decided to stay home most of the time. Although there are festivals in the center of the city nearby, I decided to stay home. Staycation thats all I need.


Unexpected Gift - Unexpected Gratefulness

Got an early phone call from somebody who needs an interpreter. Somebody will be delivering a baby soon and she need an interpreter.

I was told that a Filipina in the area had been working as interpreter and she told me to give her number to her. I am in contact with this Filipina through Facebook so i send the number to her and just leave them to talk.

In the afternoon, while preparing for my mass, I was informed that somebody is looking for me. She introduced herself and said thank you for the help and handed me a box of goodies.

Unexpected gift - unexpected goodness - unexpectedly delicious

A walk to remember

It was a fine day and I have been looking forward for a long walk in Tanesashi beach beach area here in Hachinohe. I brought onigi and a bottled water with my and drive to the  area. The parking area was already full of cars but i manage to find a good place.

Since I always love the beach I said to myself that I would one day walk the beach area near my place. I walked for an hour taking my time to appreciate the rock formations, the sound the waves and the fresh breeze that the gentle weather gave that day. I reach an area where there is beach for swimming and met some young guys enjoying the winter cold sea. Their laugher is priceless. 

my best shot


My thoughts on the Parable of the Good Samaritan

My theological training is shaped by see-judge-act pattern of theologizing. See- Judge-Act is asking us to see or review concrete situations, form judgement  in the light of a guiding principle (the Gospel values) and thirdly,  decides what in the circumstances can and should be done to the situation based on the guiding principles. See-Judge-Act does not only engages us to think rather to act on a concrete situation using the values of the Gospel.

Reading through the parable of the Good Samaritan, I could see that the emphasis of the story is not only on helping us determine whom we are to view as our neighbour and to whom we are to show our love, rather it teaches us how to concretely respond to the situation with compassion. Seeing through the responses of the priest, levite and the Samaritan, we could see that the samaritan response show this three fold aspect of theologising by seeing ("he saw him") ,  "moved with pity" and he took action to express his compassion and assist the injured man. The sequence of seeing, having compassion and acting is common in the gospel. In Luke's Gospel, when Jesus saw the "woman weeping at the death of her only son, he had compassion for her and brought her son to life" ( Lk. 7:13) This is likewise seen in the story of the Prodigal son in Luke 15:20, when the father "saw" his son from afar…..he had compassion for him. And he ran and embraced him."  

The parable of the good Samaritan then encourages us to act with compassion on the people especially those who are in need, those that need care and those who forgiveness. The call to love God and to love others as we love ourselves is not only a law that written in the Bible or this is thought in our catechism classes, rather this is a law that is written in our hearts. It is a law that is part of our being human and as sons and daughters of God.  that is why i don't see any reason why are we cannot fulfil this law.