Vacation 101 - `Balik Bayan` Style
Summer is heating up and i need to make some plans on how to spend it wisely. i have exactly 50 days left, minus some days that i need to attend some seminars and some engagements and family events. Here are some of the basic things to enjoy you vacation.
- Read a really good book.
- Stay up late
- Go to the beach
- Learn cooking, the Filipino way
- Learn a new language, French or Spanish
- Spend a day doing NOTHING
- Watch really good old movies
- Watch movies you missed.
- Start a blog
- Have a gallon of ice cream.
- Have a taste of real Filipino Food
- Spend a day in a resort.
- Watch a performance of world-class Filipino artist
- Relax - have a good massage in a spa.
What`s your list of activities? Check it, if not you can use mine just for suggestion.