I used to think i am still young. Most people do right? For most of us we thought people around us is growing older, but not ourselves. We always thought we are young.
Today i just happened to talk to a seventeen years old second year senior high school student you happen to visit our church. Since its his first time to visit the church, i am personally curious how come why did he decided to come and visit the church. He loved reading books and from the books he discovered about the church and he bacame interested and decided to visit a church.
We do not have young people who come to the church and its a pity we don`t know how to handle the needs of the young people in our church. The visitation of this young man to our church opens a lot of possibilities for us to know what is in the mind of the young people. Talking to this young man help me realized that there is a world in which we tend to overlook. And that the need to re evaluate our way of doing mission here.
At the same time i feel am not so young anymore. Being with the people older than me always makes me feel young always. I have to face that reality that its my turn to teach the young people and be with them although sometimes i cannot understand their world.
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