
Nippon Matsu Fukushima Gathering of the Filipinos

It's was a good day to drive the weather was clear and we have to leave early for a five hour drive to Fukushima. Waking up at 5 in the morning was not on my system, yet I succeeded and was on time at the waiting area at Hayde's temporary house.

We arrived earlier than expected, we were the first one to arrive. And we help in preparing for the food. The rest of the group from Fukushima areas and Tokyo arrive late as usual. We Filipinos never changed. Right?

The activities was bombarded with dances, songs and presentations from each group. After some crazy movements and wonderful songs and laughter, we willed our stomach with sumptuous lunch courtesy of the group from Tokyo.

We ended the celebrations with a mass lead by fr. Dindo an svd priest.